Local Culinary Vendors

The culinary philosophy at the Wickaninnish Inn pairs seasonality with sustainability and creativity with curiosity. We source seasonal, fresh, and innovative ingredients that highlight our surroundings wherever possible on every plate. This feat is accomplished through the close relationships we have with the many foragers, farmers, fishermen and makers across Vancouver Island. In addition to providing the Inn with decadent products, these partnerships also help to support our local economies and reduce our transportation impacts.

We would like to acknowledge and thank our wonderful culinary partners, including:

Tofino Ucluelet Culinary Guild - a non-profit organization that connects Vancouver Island food producers, fishers, and foragers with local businesses. The Pointe Restaurant is a founding member.

NAAS Foods - an Indigenous-led seafood supplier that ensures fresh, sustainable seafood arrives in eco-friendly totes at the Pointe’s kitchen, including hand-harvested kelp from Clayoquot Sound.






Cider, Spirits & Beer
